Nov 24, 2008

Dorang bilang...

I got the following insights (minus the photos ye..) posted thru my email by one of good, long time friends of mine, gak mo baca tis kind of stuff sekali sekala...regardless whether they are true or not, it is sure enlightening to know that some friends do keep us close to their hearts :-)


Your Life Path Number is 7.
Your purpose in life is to find truth and meaning

You are very spiritual, and you are interested in the mysteries of life...
You are quite analytical and a great thinker. You have many theories and insights.
A life of solitude is perfect for you. You need time to think and do things your way.

In love, you are quite charming. You attract many with your confidence and wit..

While you enjoy being alone, sometimes you take it to an extreme.

You can become too isolated, shutting out loved ones and friends...
Express yourself a little bit more, and you'll be surprised where it takes you!

Unique and creative, you seek your own path in life.
You love change and are able to adapt to any situation.
Your soul reflects: Sweetness, joy, and a complete life.

Your gemstone: Emerald

Your flower: Lily of the Valley
Your colours: Yellow, red, and green...


You come across as somewhat intellectual. You can be quite insightful at times...

You have amazing hygiene, and it shows. You are sparkling clean!

You are a very domestic person. You enjoy decorating, cooking, and making things homey...

You are a very nurturing person. You find meaning in taking care of others...

You feel settled in your life. You have enough time to focus on little details...

You are a very self sufficient person. You can get along well without much help..

Your friends see you as courageous, dynamic, and bright...


You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection..
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic “Type A” personality..

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people...
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts..

You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals...

You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life.
You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone.
Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs...

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.
You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.
At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow....
You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.
Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is..

Nov 19, 2008

Proudly 'consider' yourself as a Sabahan if...

  • You feel "obligated" to reach the top of Mount Kinabalu at least once in a lifetime...
  • You know where to get your candles and torch light quickly in the total darkness (due to training by frequent blackouts)
  • You know what "Aramaitiee!!" means...
  • You doubt whether someone's MyKad is real or fake one...
  • You come across a supposedly local person but with a very foreign accent...
  • You cannot vote in an election because someone has voted on behalf of you...
  • You can say and fully understand these words....

tuuuna/ saaaana - (u say these out while pointing with your lips to a certain direction) there, at a distance = d situ, d sana..
kalu (if) = kalau
sa/sia (I) = saya
ko (you) = awak, engkau..
limpas (to pass/walk by) = tumpang lalu (e.g. Sa limpas dulu aaa..)
tapuk (to hide ) = bersembunyi
bida (ugly) = nda cantik, nda kiut gitu.. 
bubut (to chase) = kejar
sakai (ignorant, uncivilized) = nda tau apa2, ketinggalan la lbih kurang...
andang-andang (that's how it is) = memang sudah begitu..
sapak (mix as in cooking) = campur/gaul esp utk masakan
inda/tia (short form of "not", "no") = tidak
wicin (a brand of msg as in "ajinomoto" - a seasoning or food enhancer) = serbuk perasa ler...
talampau (over, too much) = terlampau..
takajut (shocked, startled) = terkejut, terperanjat
siorang ( us, we) = kami..
dorang (they) = mereka
ngam-ngam ( exact, at that time) = kebetulan..
mangkali (maybe, perhaps) = barangkali...
kamarin (yesterday) = kelmarin
siring (by the side) = di tepi
miring (in a sloping position) = condong, senget... siok (best, excited) = syok, seronok...
= ok...
Korang belajar ni perkataan2 kio...baik utk masa depan..manatau smpai Sabah satu hari nti tidak la blur abis...
M proud to be a Sabahan...^-^

Nang if you like this post! :-)

Nov 14, 2008

SMSFX Annual Dinner 2008

Last night we had our school's annual abis dinner kami this year..meja kami paling bising n paling happening cos ada c asrul sama c tan bercengkerama hahahaha...tepa la bising2 jap kan..kita release tension sekali sekala...kalu terlampau formal tia best ..that would be an utterly boring dinner then..tepa la tia mnang best dressed malam itu...camna mo mnang kalu ada yg buta wona..ingatkan pakai baju wona cokewat.. rupa2nya pink tarang..haha

Ada karaoke acara nynyi2 jgak..Apa lagi..suma pun tnjuk bakat menyumbangkan irama...pastu tia pasal2 sa n rita pun kena suruh p karaoke d depan...adeiii..kewam-kabut n tunggang tebawik kali suma tu cengkerik d luar hotel masuk dlm tanah time dengar kami dua nynyi semalam hehehee...

Gambar2 sa tia berapa best.. bnyak mo tukar camera baru la ne..(this would be my BEST excuse + bikin muka seposen if I relate to my hubby later then...hoho)...tangan anak sa yg bergegar kali time ambik shot kami suma...maklumlah kami suma vogue kali itu malam hahahahahahahahaha...deii perasan
Pasni sa mo minta gmbaw dinner from dila's camera la pulak..kalu cmera dia mang terang benderang abis...jewawat ko yg paling kici pon kena scan abis...pastu nti sa post gmbar itew msuk blog sa ..jan risau dila..hak cipta ko tetap terpelihara..haha

ni la kawan2 sa yg sporting abis las nite...tan, asrul, nor n beth..siap agogo lagi drg ne..huhu
ni sa sama my good fren Rita..bewabis sudah c Rita tnjuk gigi itew..hihi
wohoho...vogue ka kami...hikhikhikhikhik
best jgak melaram sekali sekala year wona apa la pula theme tuk dinner nor...mintak2 bukan kelabu aaa...

Nov 11, 2008

Mcm lama sudah...

Mo update tis blog yg betul2 update pon mcm susah skarang ne...been busy with school stuff..bnyk deadlines hve to be met...kemarin ja kena compile SPM Trial punya analysis 4 the curriculum meeting..pastu sa ada review on nov 6..pastu hve 2 review again tis nov 13..tension sa ingat tu bau hspital..segala wayar2 mesin dorang..
the other day i got the SKT form yg spatutnya sa suda isi tis week cos kena htr tis week jga..sadly, sa lupa suda sa taruh mana tat form...kalau la betul2 hilang...cmana la sa mo susun ayat sa ne mo mnta form yg baru ne...? adeii...

nov 13 ne we will b hving our annual school dinner...dress theme dia wona cokewat lagi tia smpat shopping 4 baju cokewat...hrp2 tia kana tahan d entrance n suruh pulang tukar baju...ahahaha...tepa cat kuku kaki sa wona brown ja ni...ada juga ikut theme cket2...ehehe


Nov 9, 2008

Minus One Singing Competition Pesta Koningou '08

Nov 7 hari tu ada pertandingan nyanyi minus one sempena perayaan Pesta Koningou 2008..the event was actually an annual one for cos mcm2 bleh jmpa ni time...ada special tamu(lots of stuffs here..ada jual bunga..jual beg, kuih2.. but sa heran the prices mcm mahal sa cuci mata ja..moreover i got caught in preparing my lil Abby nyanyi malam for the final..Abby is among the 5 finalists for the competition...dia masuk kategori D (15 tahun ke bawah) she has to beat budak sekolah menengah...langkah kanan kali kami that morning cos bila malam kena announce result, c Abby managed to come 3rd..congratss

time tunggu turn naik pentas mo nynyi...
urrghh...kinda heavy tis wig ..
mcm frust ja itew wajah...tepa la..
the experience worths it...
abby n fiona (Category C), one of our students..dpt 3rd place 
tis one gmbar abby perform on the next day 8 Nov..

all the winners 1st - 3rd place were then called to perform just before the Ratu Pesta Koningou competition on the next day Nov 8...kira mcm isi acara selingan i guess..but i x wait n tngok the pertndingan ratu cos sa punya kepala berat semacam sdah time tu..balik rumah n headed for the bed...i had bad flu n fever that nite...


Life's Too Short