So unfortunate pula nasib sa time cuti skolah ujung tahun ni...thought that i can really have all the time in the world n post banyak2 entries d blog sa time cuti skolah....tiba2 pula my son, Adam jatuh and broke his right hand..then had 2 be operated pula tu..the doctors commented that they have to insert some kind of two plet besi inside his hand cos both his radius and ulna broke badly...and that can only be corrected by tidur di Hospital Likas with my hubby for almost 2 weeks...the doctors n nurses are all nice n concerned people..yet m sure i look like a confused zombie at d end of those weeks cos tia ckup mcm lum ada semangat sa mo update blog at tis time...
If im back 2 my normal self again...i will surely write back in....*sighs*
BTW...Merry Xmas everyone ^-^
Dec 26, 2008
Hospital cruise, anyone?
Posted by Gee at Friday, December 26, 2008 4 comments
Labels: Gee's Thoughts
Dec 2, 2008
Sa mo tag kamu ne...
Sa nampak tis tag somewhere so i thought of completing it for myself first (abis teda yg mo tag sa...huuuu sedey ne..) before forwarding it to some of my favourite bloggers out there...ehehe...
A. Attached or single?
Kawin da sa...ko tia mo tnya bewapa anak sa gia..?
B. Best friend?
I consider all good friends of mine are..tapi tia tau la kalu dorang pon anggap sa gitew..uhuks
C. Cake or pie? Dua2 pon sadap...misti pilih ka..tapi sa suka chocolate moist cake..adeii
D. Day of choice? Kalu time skul, sa suka ari 3 abis sa punya masa two periods noh...ekeke..but time cuti ni everyday feels like heaven...aaaaa
E. Essential item? Should be 'items' huhu...tht would be my hndphone, my makeup set(abis slalu tia smpat abis makeup dari rumah time skul)..sama purse la ba..:-D
F. Favorite colors? Green, blue, lots of red n white too..emmm
G. Gummy bears or worms? Eeeeew...tia bagus makan ni suma..bagus wagi makan maggi..huhu
H. Hometown? Papar
I. Favorite indulgence? Reading magazines related to home interior designing, jalan2 cari makan, ambil gambar walaupun tia la pro huhu...n sa suka try mekap baru d muka anak sa...ahaha
J. January or July? Both...cos 10th Jan my hubby's bday..23rd July my son's bday..
K. Kids? M a proud mum of 3 best ever kids..2 sumandak n 1 starring..hehe
L. Life isn’t complete without? my family n friends..
M. Marriage date? 28 September 1991...
N. Number of magazine subscriptions: Used to subscribe Reader's Digest last i prefer to buy from shelves ja..bnyk lagi choice ctu
O. Oranges or apples? oren lagi best...
P. Phobias? paling gali sama ularrrrrr cicak n lipas...eeeeeee
Q. Quotes? In the middle of difficulty lies an keep up your suka ne
R. Reasons to smile? Na la tau leh kin awet muda kali..? hikhikhik
S. Season of choice? kaamatan (abis ngam2 tekana bday sa 31st May..huhu) n of course la xmas ne
T. Tag 5 people.
5 ja ka? Sa tia mo tag jugak 6 febret bloggers sa...jeng3x
1. Nordee
2. Poyotito's
3. Sufi Idany
4. Liewani
5. Cikgu Oden (Selumbar Emas)
6. Ajai05 c pezal...
hah...ambik kamu geng..misti jawab aar..
U. Unknown fact about me? kalu kmu suda baca my previous entries, kamu tau la itew...
V. Vegetable? Misti ada ne time makan..kalu teda tia ummph
W. Worst habits? uhuks...selain drp yg no.U d atas itew, sa ne obses cket ngan susun2 brg ne..suma barang esp dlm rumah msti lurus,cntik,kemas mcm skema cket laa..kalu miring cket sa kasi betul smpai la betul2 nmpk prfect..msti tension gila kali anak2 sa ohoho..satu lagi, sa kalu makan lambat bener selesainya..ko leh oder 2nd bowl of sup tulang lagi kalu mo tunggu sa siap makan...ehehe..(tapi sa brusaha utk cpt abis mkn..esp d hotel...malu kalu tinggal sa lagi saturang mngunyah2 ctu..huhu)
X. X-ray or ultrasound? ultrasound? slalu jgak las time bila mo cek baby ehehe..
Y. Your favorite food? asal yg asam2...assam kari mee, tomyam mee...sluurrrp...
Z. Zodiac sign? Geminian bah sa ne...
Lapar pula g cari makan dulu la...d kadai ehehe
Posted by Gee at Tuesday, December 02, 2008 3 comments
Labels: Gee's Thoughts