Sep 12, 2010

Datuk Sosilawati Lawiya : Brutally Murdered

Could not be true. Please don't tell me that this is true. Do console me that this is only a random speculation. Should it be true, then what more could we hold to ensure safety out there.. What a dreadful, horrendous, terrifying way to end one's life. The shocking, spine-chilling ending could happen to anybody without our knowing. People that we love the most are gone in seconds and the thought of not being able to say proper goodbye to them intensely hurts like hell.

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I sincerely hope this is not the final, concluding outcome of the missing Datuk Sosilawati Lawiya and her companions' missing case. For one visional lady entrepreneur like her, I am sure she still has lots of brilliant ideas in store to offer and share with us all. Please do not let them die. At least, bukan sesingkat ini...


abigemok said...

i think ni bukan speculation ja tapi the real thing yg happen. Lagipun polis dah sahkan Dia dibunuh tapi belum ada bukti forensik.. Dunia skrg dah jadi tmpt yg menakutkan.


Gee said...

aduhh...then kesiannya drg kan sanggup sya byangkan..

Rose kakrose said...

kasihan sangat..

AngeL BeaR said...

cruelty... *sigh*

LyaNa HamzaH said...

so kesian...orang tamak selalu rugi..the lawyer deserve maximum punishment...

Fantastic Ajane said...

ni da sah da kan sis... aduiii napa blh jd mcm 2 ooo.. sa pun x dpt bayangkan... takajut tul ni..

ciek niena said...

xsangka kan boley jadi camni. sangat kejam cara dia pergi. huhu.

ain said...

people start to loose sense of humanity. :(

Unknown said...

berita kat utusan ahri nie kate tempat tu dah berhantu..uuuuiiiiii..seram giles

Malek Ku said...

puh puh puh..knapa mbak tidak letak chatbox?

Kak Mahh said...

pembunuh yg sungguh KEJAM..

Maey said...

eiii....kejam btl ni...sdh la menipu, peras duit OKK, nda puas ati kasi mati lg baru la..btl2 rusipol hah!

Anonymous said...



Life's Too Short