Hello peeps...sorry for the scarce update. Been very busy for the past 2 weeks with school documentation. This is the usual, normal scenario whenever the year end school holiday is approaching. Couldn't sit down and update my blog at ease. My blog walking activity has halted tremendously..Yet, my warmest thanks to all blogger friends for the continuous visits and caring, cute, funny comments..haha..I will definitely get back to you all once my tasks are done.
Keep on blogging, bloggers !
Oct 21, 2010
I'm All Tied Up...
Posted by Gee at Thursday, October 21, 2010 Comments (0)
Oct 8, 2010
Let's Exchange Links, Peeps!
Posted by Gee at Friday, October 08, 2010 77 comments
Labels: blog traffic, links exchange
Sep 14, 2010
I Love Mr.Nuffnang...hee
Macam bloated pun ada.Macam masuk angin pun ada.
(angin la mengkali...)
back to the right track. Duhhh.
(I checked the white-blue box...
sib bek still got few sachets of my Juvanex)
"When la mumy mo bikin itu pizza..
Somehow, I regretted promising...
Posted by Gee at Tuesday, September 14, 2010 47 comments
Labels: bloated, buffered earning, culinary, detox, Juvanex, Nuffnang, pizza, plan
Sep 12, 2010
Datuk Sosilawati Lawiya : Brutally Murdered
Posted by Gee at Sunday, September 12, 2010 13 comments
Labels: bakar hidup-hidup, bunuh, Datuk Sosilawati Lawiya, misteri kehilangan, murder case, pegawai bank CIMB, peguam
Sep 11, 2010
A Rather Surprising Day
Imagine la we started the day as early as 9.30 this morning.
Duhhh..we were partly anxious and blissful for today was supposed
to be my youngest brother-in-law's engagement day.
And his supposedly fiancée to be is a Muslim girl
so we were super excited for we gleefully thought that we get to
celebrate double occasions later on..like makan2 kui raya..
rendang, nasi...haha.
But sad to say, the engagement thing did not go well as planned..
the girl changed her mind and rejected the ring..
and we were all like..WTH...
Everybody fussed confusedly over the matter
..some complained that she should have told in the first place
if she had second thoughts.
I had been to many joyous engagement ceremonies before..
but none of them ended tragically like this one...
adakah patut...deiii
He really cares deeply for this girl
and yet, the latter was...you know...
boleh2 dia cakap "Sorry, I love you but my feeling for you is 0 now.."..
hadoiiiii..come on la..she had been with my bro-in-law
for quite some time..2 years something..
then tiba2 things turn out crazy mcm ni...
Then selidik punya selidik...
rupa2nya she has other love interest and that man
has actually promised to propose to her very soon..
My jaw dropped open...really wide open upon hearing this.
My husband was unconsciously wrenching my arm tightly..
I knew he was completely at his utmost madness.
Punyalah sakit my arm kena picit..deiiiii
if she or he never does... (after 2 years..? hmm..)
memang tidak ada jodoh maybe..It was indeed a whole tearful,
extremely sad farewell for my brother-in-law for he had to let go of her unwillingly.
I wanted so much to string my words together and utter my discontentment
but I just couldn't find the right ones to soothe my brother-in-law at that moment.
I was stunned and numb.
I was not prepared for such humiliation.
Each of us was not mentally ready.
I caught glimpses of teary eyes here and there but I could not tell who.
I was tearful too and hurting inside.
Or rather..the eyes got blurred by something else.. RM, possibly.?
Posted by Gee at Saturday, September 11, 2010 13 comments
Labels: cinta tak kesampaian, engagement, love hits, love interest, run-away fiancee
Sep 9, 2010
A Raya Tag For 1Malaysia
![]() |
The above 2nd card was viewed at Google and later adapted by me...hee |
Posted by Gee at Thursday, September 09, 2010 7 comments
Labels: 1Malaysia, greetings, kad raya, raya, selamat hari raya aidilfitri, ucapan raya
Aug 14, 2010
Yayy...dapat award owh...
*Bagi siapa sahaja yang menerima award ni , diharuskan memberikan/tag kepada lima orang lagi
*Selepas itu , si penerima award harus meletakkan link-link berikut di blog/artikel masing-masing (kat entri tau)
Posisi 5 : jumlah backlink = 5
Posisi 4 : jumlah backlink = 25
Posisi 3 : jumlah backlink = 125
Posisi 2 : jumlah backlink = 625
Posisi 1 : jumlah backlink = 3,125
Menurut info dari SEO ( Search Engine Optimation ) ramai blogger telah mendapatkan 1,953 ,125 backlink dan keuntungannya . Blog korang akan mendapatkan trafik tambahan, apalagi jika ada yang meng'klik' link ke blog korang .
Selain mengeratkan persahabatan antara blogger , award ini boleh membantu untuk menaikkan trafik dan backlink ke blog korang .
[Kesimpulannya : award - dapat ramai kawan - backlink - trafik - page rank meningkat]
Tag kepada 5 orang kawan:
Posted by Gee at Saturday, August 14, 2010 10 comments
Labels: awards, blog traffic, friends, links exchange, tags
Jul 16, 2010
Vision Of Love
Posted by Gee at Friday, July 16, 2010 13 comments
Labels: destiny, lagu cinta, love hits, love songs, mariah carey, vision of love
Jul 10, 2010
I Got Tagged...

A place:
- Australia..I'll come someday...tunggu saaaaaa...
Owh..have to tag 20 bloggers lagi ne...adedahhh ..ne kali la..
Nah..these are the 'lucky' ones...
2. c nordee yg sayang kucengs
3. c ain cigu akaun...dedikasi gila ne...
4. c bossing yg gila begambar (macam sa la..haha)
5. c kecik dLa yg kiyutt n ada guinea pigs n kucengs juga
6. c msxeroz yg kreatif
7. c laNuNsepet yg sebenaw-benawnya bukan lanun pun...ehee
8. c joycew yg intro mekap online sama sa. ... :-)
9. c azizan yg berwawasan tinggi (4 flat degree tu...hehe)
10. c ajai bos ICT Team skolah sa
11. c shah yy GLEEK mcm sa...
12. c glow yg glowing-glowing..hee
13. c azura yg sa utang bambangan...tapuns tapuns...haha
14. c nuriz yg sa baru nak kenal2...
15. c ZELL yg centa abis sama Sabah
16. c arepitt yg bilang kepala dia serabut...
17. c hisyam yg muhibbah
18. c windflowers yg suka senyum
19. c eza yg cun mcm diva...check our her blog..ada resepi koktel tu..heee
20. c amizzat yg rajin gilerr memblogging
Posted by Gee at Saturday, July 10, 2010 15 comments
Labels: australia, avenged sevenhold, avocado, friends, tag
Jun 16, 2010
Should you spy?
3. Apart from sleepless nights for having to think of other future excuses and cheating strategies, the lie will eventually eat you up inside for trying foolishly to keep the secret.(You will end up performing less viagra vibrantly and looking older than you should and probably drive you secret lover..ooh..probably lovers..away.)
Posted by Gee at Wednesday, June 16, 2010 6 comments
Labels: cheating, fun, husband and wife, infidelity, jokes, two-timing